Adolescent Child Program


Build ME Child Mothers support Initiatives: Progress review 2018:

The approach to supporting child mothers has been designed to be on 2 fronts:

  1. We provide them with life skills to enable them generate income to support their children
  2. We build their nutritional knowledge and progressively Support them to effectively bring up their children.

Child Mothers BACK TO-SCHOOL:

We bring them back to schools and create an environment to enable them stay in schools.

Adolescent child: IN-SCHOOL INITIATIVE

  1. We support Children with scholastic materials
  2. We recognize best performers.

Build ME Adolescent child Education Progress review 2018:

Integrating parents into girl child is another challenging experience, Parents are key stake holders in their children’s education; Most often than not it is hard to get parents together for progress report and review

Success Stories

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