BuildME Advocacy for better health program considers right to health as the most important God given right that every citizen must enjoy. It focuses on ensuring that mothers are aware of the right to antenatal services, right to safe delivery, Right to Maleria treatment and right to HIV& AIDS testing, treatment and referral. Subsequently the children should enjoy their right to immunization. BuildME right to better health Support Mothers, core mobilisers and other CBOS to analyze gaps in service delivery so as to back their demands with data—generated from standardized score cards, surveys, focus group discussions, and secondary data collection and exploit policy change windows through participating in district-level planning and budgeting. BuildME will also participate in coalitions with allies pursuing common goals; directly engaging with individuals and groups with power to make or influence policy decisions; and work with the media to push community identified health and social services issues on the public agenda. As part of its efforts to create opportunities for influencing policy change, BuildME works with local government and district-level authorities to identify opportunities for input, monitoring, and reviews, aiding decision-makers to better plan services, prioritize improvements, monitor service quality, develop targets, and ultimately respond to communities’ needs.