BuildME has recruited and registered 252 farmer groups (5,040 farmers in total) in to her Agriculture poverty alleviation advocacy program (APAAP). The program has been implemented in both Urban and Rural areas that is:-
- Scaling Up Rice Value Chain development in 5 sub counties of Butalejja (Mazimasa, Himutu, Kachonga, Butalejja Rural & Nabweyo). Under this project, 200 youth, men and women rice growers, millers, Buyers and input dealers benefited.
- Scaling Up Rice Value Chain development in 5 sub counties of Bugiri District. (Kapyanga, Buluguyi, Nabukalu, Buswale, Bulidha).Contract with rice buyers were signed and farmers are now earning UGX 2,000/= Per Kg.
- Empowering youth framers to hold relevant authorities responsible for strategic service delivery in both Butalejja and Bugiri District, there is effective budget monitoring by the youth in Bugiri and Butalejja.
- Village saving and Loan associations among the 252 farmer groups has been strengthened, saving among the farmers at house hold levels has improved by 5% in the 12 months of the project.

BuildME has introduced piggery farming as an extension to its main crop value chain development, farmers are encouraged to rear animals’ supplement their income.10 youth & women Enterprise projects have been set up.