Youth Governance Development Program

In the supreme policy organ of BuildME, there exists a youth member. He/she advises the board on youth matters for appropriate redress/consideration. At the secretariat level, there is an established youth department. This ensures operationalization of youth activities in BuildME district areas of operation. Besides, youth being energetic and dynamic are involved in all other program/project.

Youth urban activities have been planned and integrated in district and sub county work plans and budgets to ensure continuity.

Youth policy advocacy skills acquired is being applied from time to time to attain youth aspirations and demands for more strategic deliveries from duty bearers. BuildME is mainstreaming youth activities in all her development programs.

Youth advocacy structures are in place, operational and continuously forward youth urban prioritized issues to relevant duty bearers for appropriate action. Youth urban groups that are registered through BuildME to existing national and regional advocacy networks for acquisition of current information, sharing as well as collective efforts to deal with raised issues to duty bearers.

Youth have been trained and are utilizing existing platforms to engage government to address their required strategic deliverables. Youth are in position to work with adversaries on development urban livelihood programs and have acquired advocacy and lobbying skills.

Youth and Women
Picture of Youth and Women, Bulesa Sub County-Bugiri District after WASH advocacy training, July 2011.


Budget Monitoring Meeting – Bugiri district June, 2013